If you have not already read Howard Bashman's How Appealing interview with journalist Jan Crawford Greenburg, you'll find it here. The fifth and final question:
Your book -- "Supreme Conflict: The Inside Story of the Struggle for Control of the United States Supreme Court" -- is due to go on sale on January 23, 2007, and it's being hyped as "an explosive, newsbreaking account" that draws on "unprecedented access to the Supreme Court justices and their inner circles." Mindful of the fact that much of the book remains top-secret, please tell us what you can about it, including why folks should buy it. And is there any truth to rumors of a forthcoming "Jan Crawford Greenblawg" hosted at ABCNews.com?
A: I was fortunate enough to talk to nine Supreme Court justices, and a lot of what I heard surprised me. Some of the conventional wisdom is just wrong, especially about Justice Thomas and his early role on the Court. When I was doing the research on his early years, my heart would literally jump up every time I came across a memo or document that was completely at odds with what people have long said about him. The book is about how the Rehnquist Court came to disappoint conservatives--what went wrong from their point of view--and how those perceived missteps influenced the Bush Administration's thinking on Roberts, Miers and Alito. So it's almost like two books, with the second half tracing the inside story of those nominations. That's where most of the so-called "breaking news" is, and that's why Penguin isn't releasing any copies in advance. So you can get two books for the price of one! As for the blog, in the next couple of weeks, I'll start sharing some more inside information, as well as my thoughts on the law, the Court and how the University of Alabama is going to crush Auburn with our new head football coach. In the meantime, my main goal is talking you, Howard, into contributing. Oh, and we haven't decided on a name for it, but don't you think a great title like Greenblawg is probably taken?