Earlier today the Texas House of Representatives refused to concur with the Senate version of HB 8. After Senate members to a conference committee are named, the committee will resolve differences between the two versions of a Jessica's Law. Gardner Selby has a post on the Statesman Postcards from the Lege blog, "Jessica's law awaits House-Senate negotiations."
Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, asked the House today not to concur in Senate amendments to the so-called Jessica’s law. Members agreed.
Riddle said she wants to work with senators on a conflict between the House and Senate over whether to impose the death penalty on offenders upon first offense or upon a second offense broken up by a long prison term.
She said she also wants to explore whether a Senate tweak would subject a teen-ager in a consenting relationship with a younger teen-ager to dire consequences.
“We’ve still got time,” Riddle said. “It makes more sense to correct these concerns now while we are able to do so rather than wait until next session… We need to polish it.”
Rep. Ellen Cohen, D-Houston, urged Riddle to keep in mind the expertise of professionals who work with children required to testify in such cases. Cohen said imposing the death penalty could jeopardize the safety of children; their attackers might kill them to prevent witness testimony.
House members appointed to the conference committee are Debbie Riddle, Dan Gattis, Aaron Pena, Jerry Madden, and Joe Deshotel
Earlier coverage of Jessica's Law is here. More information on the two versions of HB 8 is here.