"Celebrating Judge William Wayne Justice's Life and Legacy," is the theme of two events sponsored by the William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law at the University of Texas School of Law.
This afternoon a panel discussion, "The Arc of Justice - The Legacy of Judge William Wayne Justice and the Role of Lawyers in Social Reform," will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 pm in the Eidman Courtroom.
Panelists Include:
* Michele Deitch, Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs and UT Law, on Ruiz v. Estelle (prison reform)
* Lucas Guttentag, Yale Law School and the Immigrants’ Rights Project of the ACLU, on Plyler v. Doe (immigrants’ rights)
* Elizabeth K. (“Betsy”) Julian, ‘73, Inclusive Communities Project, on Young v. Pierce (public housing desegregation)
* Marianne (“Mimi”) Wesson, ‘73, University of Colorado School of Law, on Morales v. Turman (juvenile justice)
* Moderated by: Lynn Blais, UT Law
Tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 pm, there will be a cenotaph dedication at the Texas State Cemetery, one of Austin's great treasures.
The public is invited to attend a ceremony dedicating a cenotaph at the Texas State Cemetery in Judge Justice’s honor. UT Law School Dean Larry Sager and the Law School’s William Wayne Justice Center for Public Interest Law will host a reception at the State Cemetery immediately after the ceremony. All ceremony attendees are welcome to attend. Please join the family and friends of Judge Justice in recognizing his significant contributions to Texas history.
More on Judge Justice is here. He was an authentic Texas hero.