Texas carried out its third execution of 2012, last night in Huntsville. It was the state's 480th post-Furman execution since 1982. Texas has the most active death chamber in the nation, accounting for more than 37% of all modern executions in the nation.
It was the 241st execution conducted under the administration of Rick Perry. He became Governor of Texas upon the resignation of George W. Bush in December 2000. 152 men and women were executed in five years under Governor Bush's tenure.
"Condemned Magnolia man goes to death protesting innocence," is Allan Turner's Houston Chronicle report on the execution of Keith Thurmond.
According to TDCJ five additional executions are currently scheduled for 2012; the next is set for March 28.
Arizona is scheduled to carry out its second execution of the year, later this morning. The Arizona Republic reports, "Arizona today set to execute 2nd inmate in 8 days."
UPDATE - Reuters posts, "Arizona executes man for 1991 robbery-murder," via the Chicago Tribune.
To date there have been eight executions in the nation this year; a total of 1,285 post-Furman executions since 1977.