The Dallas Morning News published the editorial, "Conservatives vs. the death penalty," on November 30.
Opposition to the death penalty is not just the province of the political left.
This year has seen the emergence of a new national group, Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty, which has been assembling a network of like-minded activists since its debut at the Conservative Political Action Conference in March in National Harbor, Md. This month, the conservative group announced a partnership with a Ron Paul-inspired, campus-centered organization, the Young Americans for Liberty.
The driving principles are capital punishment’s incompatibility with the conservative ideals of restraining government, protecting life and maintaining fiscal responsibility.
The political right has teamed up with the left to push “smart on crime” reforms in sentencing and incarceration, among other issues. From the standpoint of this newspaper and our opposition to the death penalty, that same political axis could be key to making further inroads as more states consider joining the 18 that have already abolished the practice.
"AC livens up death penalty debate," is the Amarillo Globe-News editorial of November 27.
We applaud Amarillo College for hosting a recent debate on capital punishment, which featured local attorneys arguing both sides of the issue.
These public forums are beneficial for an educational institution as well as a community, no matter what side of the death penalty you support.
It is a few days after the debate, but allow us to participate — and inject another part of the capital punishment debate that is being overlooked.
Earlier coverage of conservative supporters of repeal begins at the link; also available, earlier coverage from Texas.