"How many botched executions must we have?" is the South Florida Sun-Sentinel editorial.
No matter how you feel about the death penalty, everyone should agree it's not working.
In Florida and around the country, it's time for a moratorium on the death penalty until states can get it right. No matter how long that takes.
Public support for the death penalty has been dropping in recent years, but many polls still show more than 50 percent of the public favors executions.
But executions shouldn't be a matter of polls. This is the most solemn duty a state carries out, and it needs to be done right or not at all. No matter how heinous the crime, executions should not turn into gory spectacles.
Eighteen states have abolished the death penalty, and the Sun Sentinel Editorial Board has advocated for Florida to join the list.
Earlier coverage from Florida begins with another critical editorial.