Today's Topeka Capital-Journal reports, "Death penalty opponents see GOP support for practice eroding," by Andy Marso. It's a detailed article for those following the issue in Kansas.
Opponents of capital punishment say unease with allowing government the power to kill is growing within the libertarian wing of the Kansas Republican Party, and predict it will help with their repeal efforts.
But there's skepticism about the chances of repeal any time soon, in part because of two notorious convicted murderers from Wichita whose death sentence is in doubt.
In early August, the Kansas Republican Liberty Caucus approved a resolution opposing the death penalty, and after a long debate this spring the state Republican Party left support for death sentences out of its official platform.
Mary Sloan, executive director of the Kansas Coalition Against the Death Penalty, said her group is heartened by the developments within the party that controls the Legislature and all statewide offices.
The Kansas Republican Liberty Caucus' stance was far more unequivocal.
Chairman Dave Thomas said the group, which has about 30 voting members, voted to pass a resolution supporting life in prison without parole as an alternative to the death penalty because capital punishment was not appealing from a fiscal standpoint or a "liberty standpoint."
“Any time you give the government a power that can be abused, it will or may be abused in the future," Thomas said. "And taking a citizen's life is kind of the ultimate power the government can have.”
Earlier coverage from Kansas begins at the link.