"Priest Thinks Kentucky Could Be Next Southern State to Abolish Death Penalty," is by Allison Crawford for WKMS-FM.
Priest and abolitionist Father Patrick Delahanty says he thinks Kentucky could be the next southern state to abolish the death penalty. Delahanty says he’s been working to abolish the death penalty in Kentucky for about 28 years and thinks the state is between 2 and 5 years from doing so.
According to to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Kentucky accounts for only 3 of 1,108 southern executions since 1977, second only to West Virginia with none because it abolished the death penalty in 1965. Delahanty says he is encouraged by the balanced discussion of the death penalty at August’s Interim Joint Committee on Judiciary meeting. He says achieving his goal depends on educating people about capital punishment and gaining more supportive voices in the legislature.
Earlier coverage from Kentucky begins at the link.