The PBS documentary series Frontline will show an encore presentation of "Death by Fire," tonight. Check your local PBS station for the time in your area. You can also view the documentary oniline at the link.
At the center of the national death penalty debate today is the controversial case of Cameron Todd Willingham, put to death for the arson-murder of his three little girls. But was he guilty?
Did Texas execute an innocent man?
Earlier coverage of Todd Willingham's case begins at the link. All related coverage is in the Todd Willingham category index.
Maurice Possley and Steve Mills first reported on the Willingham case in a 2004 Chicago Tribune series on junk science. The December 9, 2004 report was titled,"Man executed on disproved forensics."
David Grann's September 2009 New Yorker article, noted here, was also critical in bringing the case to the public's attention.
The Innocence Project has a Todd Willingham resource page which provides a concise overview of the Willingham case with links to all relevant documents.