Gallup posts, "Americans: 'Eye for an Eye' Top Reason for Death Penalty," is by Art Swift.
Americans who favor the death penalty most often cite "an eye for an eye" as the reason they hold their position, with 35% mentioning it. "Save taxpayers money" and "they deserve it" tie as the second-most-popular reasons Americans volunteer in this open-ended measure, at 14% each.
While a majority of Americans tilt in favor of the death penalty, the one in three Americans who oppose it also have a diversity of views as to why the ultimate penalty should not be used. "Wrong to take a life" has been the top reason for opposing it since 1991, by comfortable margins.
"The Trend Line: Five Key Findings on the Death Penalty in America," is a video report from Gallup on the poll findings.
Earlier coverage of this year's Gallup polling on capital punishment attitudes begins at the link.
Historical tracking of public opinion on the death penalty by Gallup and last year's Gallup Poll are also available.
Related posts are in the public opinon polling category index.